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Kategoria: Glossary

Proces ciągłego doskonalenia

Continuous improvement is a process of regularly evaluating products, services, processes, or systems and making targeted improvements to increase quality, reduce waste, improve efficiency, and


Konserwacja predykcyjna

Predictive Maintenance – Predictive maintenance is the process of predicting when a system will fail before it actually happens. The idea behind predictive maintenance is


Inteligentna fabryka

Smart factory is a unique factory automation system. It’s a growing industry, with a lot of opportunities. The current worldwide market size is approximately $


MBR - Główny rekord wsadowy

Master Batch Record (MBR) means a document defining manufacturing methods, materials and other procedures, guidelines and controls related to product manufacturing and testing, also referred


Przemysł 4.0

Industry 4.0 – the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the concept that the development of industry has entered a new phase, due to the increasing penetration


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Łukasz Iskra

Ekspert ds. oprogramowania przemysłowego


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