Performance monitoring (OEE)
Start factory digitalization journey and increase your OEE in a few months
Smart Machine (SM)
A comprehensive solution for management, diagnostics, monitoring and control of the production line
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
Extend production capabilities with new tools and features that provides ANT MES
Manufacturing Operations Management System (MOM)
The most advanced manufacturing software covering all departments involved in production
Microstops Monitoring
The most effective system for monitoring production rates and downtimes. Increase production efficiency with AI
Interactive Meetings
Daily meetings more meaningful and fun. Create custom dashboards work on real data
Paperless Manufacturing
Version control, digital forms, reports, drag&drop form builders and seamless documentation flow in your entire production facility
Electronic Batch Records (EBR)
Improve production quality with a new digital manufacturing standards
Machine Control
Take full control over your machine park with a modern Industry 4.0 solution. Send receipts over the machines
Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
Manage the entire lab process, covering tasks such as instrument maintenance, sample tracking, personnel management, and consumables inventory
Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
Maintain constant production pace with a help of an advanced algorithm, and real-time cycle information based on historical data
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
A new maintenance system which allows you to schedule repairs and inspections based on real machine cycle work time
Shop Floor Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Inventory monitoring for shop floor warehouse with integrated data sources
Quality Management System (QMS)
Sustain and increase product quality. Control production plan, processes, quality and nonconformities
Energy Management System (EMS)
Monitor consumption of utilities such as energy, gas, liquids and more in real time and be ready to optimize
Performance Monitoring (OEE)
Electronic Batch Recrods (EBR)
Advanced Planning and Scheduling System (APS)
Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM)
Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Energy Monitoring System (EMS)
Monitor high-volume production in real time with machine connectivity for seamless data collection
Other Industries
Monitor the production process, know its progress, control quality measurements and compare them to tolerances
Electronic Batch Records. Automated data collection, real-time in-process control and step-by-step operator instructions
Military Industry
Track the production progress with military precision, measure OEE, improve traceability and schedule your production with one click
Manufacturing Software for discrete Automotive production improves traceability and production rate
Aviation & Areospace
Track and trace all manufacturing components and the entire production progress with ease. Create paperless shop floor
Łukasz Iskra
Industrial Software Expert
[email protected]
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