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Le ispezioni di qualità sono un modo automatico per effettuare test di qualità periodici con conferma immediata se la misura rientra nei limiti di qualità. Le misure vengono lette dal livello di automazione o fornite manualmente dall'operatore. Grazie ai rapporti SPC e alle carte di controllo di Shewhart, viene monitorata la stabilità della produzione.

ispezioni di qualità sistema spc screen mes

Key functions

Vantaggi principali


Less defects thanks to quality plan done on time and quality divergences identification​


Certainty that the production quality is checked according to standards in factory​


Early recognition of unstable process and faster reaction to quality results

quality inspections screens

Quality Inspections - How system can support your operator in keeping quality under control?

  • The system supports quality control processes
  • The system displays actions needed to be done based on quality plan configured as activity (list to-do)
  • The system is able to provide instructions for quality inspections based on different sampling routines e.g. starting operation, every “N”, or similar
  • The system lets user to confirm that the user has gotten familiar with newest quality complaint documentation
  • The system shall present to user test status after comparison the inserted measurement value with quality limits (condition based process parameters monitoring)
  • The system graphically presents how far the inserted measurement value is from the target, mix and max quality limits
  • The system presents Shewhart control charts for ongoing production
  • System supports real-time notifications
  • The system has the option of generating alarms via email or SMS when the inserted quality measurement value is out of the limits

Quality Reports -
What can you document?

  • Operate on SPC with Gauss and Histogram charts
  • Get informed by analysing Shewhart control charts
  • Rejects history: defects, scrap, rework
  • Quality tests history: how many in limit and out of the limit
  • Process parameters history: graphical chart with measurements

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