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      • 提高机器性能: Machine monitoring software can detect machine malfunctions that can lead to a drop in productivity. This enables problems to be addressed quickly and effectively before they lead to machine breakdown.

      • 降低运营成本: Machine diagnostics solution can help identify and repair faults before they occur. This avoids the costs associated with machine failures, such as repair costs, loss of production and loss of reputation.

      • 提高机器安全性: It can detect situations that can lead to accidents. This allows preventive action to be taken to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.

      • 改进生产流程: Software can be used to identify areas where production processes can be improved. This can increase productivity, reduce costs and improve product quality.



        • 机器监控软件 (MMS) 用于收集机器当前状态的数据。这些数据包括温度、速度、电压和电流等信息。

        • Machine diagnostics software is used to analyse machine data in order to detect faults. This software can use various diagnostic techniques such as trend analysis, anomaly detection and analysis of historical data.

        • Machine data analytics software is used to analyse machine data to identify trends and relationships. This software can be used to make decisions to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase safety. Such as MES, MOM, or OEE software.



          • 数据检索: 该软件使用各种设备从机器和设备中获取数据。这些设备包括传感器、变送器和接口。

          • 数据存储: 数据存储在数据库中,以便日后进行分析。

          • 数据处理: 对数据进行处理,以消除错误并为分析做好准备。

          • 数据可视化: 数据以图形、表格和其他格式可视化,使其更易于理解。






        提高机器性能: The solution can detect machine malfunctions that can lead to a drop in productivity. This enables problems to be addressed quickly and effectively before they lead to machine breakdown.

        For example, it can detect that the engine temperature is too high. This allows the machine operator to take action to lower the temperature before it leads to engine damage.

        降低运营成本: Diagnostics software can help identify and repair faults before they occur. This avoids the costs associated with machine failures, such as repair costs, loss of production and loss of reputation.

        For example, it can detect that a machine bearing is worn out. This allows the machine operator to order a new bearing before the machine fails.

        提高机器安全性: The solution can detect situations that can lead to accidents. This allows preventive action to be taken to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.

        For example, it can detect that a machine is in motion when the operator is not present. This allows the machine operator to take action to shut down the machine and prevent an accident.

        改进生产流程: 机器数据分析软件可用于确定可改进生产流程的领域。这可以提高生产率、降低成本和改善产品质量。

        For example, it can be used to identify machines that are not operating at full capacity. This allows the machine operator to take action to improve the performance of these machines.


        In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the use of this kind of software can also bring other benefits, such as:

            • 提高产品质量: It can be used to identify trends in product quality. This allows action to be taken to improve product quality.

            • 提高生产灵活性: The solution can be used to identify opportunities to increase production flexibility. This allows production to be adapted to changing customer needs.

            • 提高环保意识: 机器数据分析软件可用于确定可减少能源和其他资源消耗的领域。这样就可以减少生产对环境的影响。


          举例说明:一个好的数据采集软件可用于检测导致 OEE 严重损失的微小停机点。



              • 数据收集要求: The solution should be able to collect data from different machines and equipment.

              • 数据存储要求: The complete system should be able to store data securely and efficiently.

              • 数据处理要求: 软件应能快速准确地处理数据。

              • 数据可视化要求: It should be able to visualise data in a clear and easy to understand manner.

            ANT Solutions 软件可集成到市场上的任何机器中,从而可在一个地方收集来自不同来源的数据

                • ANT Solutions 的专业团队将对工厂布局进行分析,并提出合适的设备和解决方案。 

                • Our company creates modular IT solutions that interact in real time with production data to enable rapid decision-making and improve productivity, reduce costs and increase safety.

                • ANT Solutions’ system is available in the cloud, making it quick and easy to deploy in the enterprise.

                • The solution is flexible and scalable to suit businesses of all sizes.


              在 Bormioli Pharma 工作的 ANT 团队。塑料容器制造商。其产品包括桶、托盘、圆桶等。

              所有这些使得 ANT Solutions 的软件成为希望利用机器数据改善运营的企业的理想解决方案。




              性能监测(OEE) 连接并收集来自你的设备的数据。安排一个演示,他们信任我们:主要好处 OEE增加 ✔️ 停机时间缩短 ✔️ 生产速度加快

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              微停机监控 停止停机 快速消费品行业监控生产率和停机时间的最有效系统 安排演示 解决微停机和停机问题

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              机器连通性 机器连通性负责与机器的PLC和设备进行通信,提供来自机器的真实测量,用于采集、处理和管理。

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