Glossary – ANT Solutions 现代工厂软件 Mon, 27 May 2024 13:12:01 +0000 zh-Hans 每小时 1 Glossary – ANT Solutions 32 32 持续改进的过程词汇表/continual-improvement-process/词汇表/continual-improvement-process/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2023 14:28:54 +0000 Continuous improvement is a process of regularly evaluating products, services, processes, or systems and making targeted improvements to increase quality, reduce waste, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. It involves a combination of research, analysis, experimentation, and implementation of changes to existing practices and processes. The goal is to continually strive for perfection and ensure customer satisfaction, minimize errors and waste, and maximize profits. It is an ongoing effort to improve the quality of the product or service and make it the best it can be.

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预测性维护词汇表/预测性维护/词汇表/预测性维护/#respond Wed, 06 Jul 2022 08:03:13 +0000 预测性维护 - 预测性维护是在系统发生故障之前预测故障发生时间的过程。 预测性维护背后的理念是建立一个能够预测故障并采取措施加以预防的系统。预测性维护不仅是为了避免故障,也是为了提高效率、生产力和性能。 它可以通过状态监测、异常检测和数据分析等各种方法来实现。为了深入了解机器,维护团队会使用 工业4.0 设备,如超声波麦克风、振动传感器、功率、颗粒或红外线传感器、温度测量和麦克风安装,以降低故障风险,提前发现机器故障症状。

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智能工厂词汇表/智能工厂/词汇表/智能工厂/#respond Mon, 27 Jun 2022 08:12:23 +0000 Smart factory is a unique factory automation system. It’s a growing industry, with a lot of opportunities. The current worldwide market size is approximately $ 17.8 billion, expected to grow 14% annually until 2021. It tends to be more common in countries with high labor costs and an increasing demand for automation, such as China and Japan. Smart factory is a technology that controls the whole process of making or assembling an item, as opposed to previous technologies that semi-automated or autonomous systems.

This difference mean that there are more chances to automate the entire process eventually, which in turn would have a huge impact on the manufacturing industry as a whole.

The idea behind smart factory is to make goods with the maximum amount of automation possible, and not just automation at certain production stages. In fact, manufacturers are working towards full automation. Unlike the traditional factories that require human interaction, smart factories don’t need any human interaction during production because the whole process is automated.s that it will become the nature of businesses to create and control automation systems, without being limited by budgets or resources.

The industry moves toward integrating advanced technologies into the manufacturing processes using big data, artificial intelligence and robotics. The goal is to produce quality parts with less manpower and at any location in the world.

In this setting there is a better workplace for employees; depending on the application level of automation, it is possible to reduce worker participation in repetitive tasks by 80% and increase all parameters including OEE.

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MBR – Master Batch Record词汇表/mbr-master-batch-record/词汇表/mbr-master-batch-record/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:35:54 +0000 主批次记录(MBR) 是指定义制造方法、材料和其他与产品制造和测试有关的程序、准则和控制的文件,也称为制造模板。MBR 是 GMP(良好生产规范)不可分割的一部分。


主批次记录 MBR(又称主生产记录 MPR 或主制造配方 MMF)是详细的生产指令。 每个独特的配方和批量大小都必须有自己的 MBR.


  • 产品名称标识。
  • 一份材料清单,详细说明制作批次所需的每种配料的重量、度量或数量。
  • 设备清单。
  • 组件列表。
  • 生产过程每个阶段的理论产量说明。
  • 成品的预期产量。
  • 生产过程中每个条件的详细说明。
  • 取样和测试程序。
  • 手动操作说明。
  • 差异数据

每个独特的配方和批量都需要这些记录在案的说明,以确保每次生产过程的标准化和可重复性。由于 MBR 是用于复制的原始模板,因此在生产过程中无需填写。它与生产编号或零件编号相关联,但与任何特定批号无关。




  1. 实时数据整合:数字 MBR 可与各种制造系统无缝集成,实现实时数据交换。这种连接性可确保生产人员随时获得最新信息,从而提高决策和解决问题的能力。
  2. 减少误差:数字 MBR 中的自动化功能通过自动输入数据和进行验证检查,大大降低了人为错误的风险。这将提高一致性和产品质量。
  3. 高效的配方管理:数字 MBR 简化了对不同产品和批量的多种配方的管理。制造商可以毫不费力地创建、更新和维护配方,确保每次生产都准确无误。
  4. 版本控制:DMBR 系统强大的版本控制功能可确保生产指令符合最新法规。制造商可以迅速适应不断变化的要求,而不会影响合规性。
  5. 电子签名和审计跟踪:计算机化的 MBR 有利于电子签名和维护全面的审计跟踪。这一功能对于跟踪和验证关键操作、帮助遵守法规和支持调查至关重要。
现代 计算机化的 MBR 包括跟踪文件流程和程序的工作流程定制器。
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EBR - 电子批次记录词汇表/电子批量记录/词汇表/电子批量记录/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:33:12 +0000 一个 电子批次记录 (EBR) 电子批记录是一种数字生产记录,是生产的电子记录,是主批次记录 (MBR) 的电子副本或复制品。电子批记录可证明生产是按照适用说明进行的。

EBR 记录还表明,企业正确处理和记录了每批产品生产过程中的所有关键步骤,无论是电子输入还是手工输入。该记录包含与操作员、生产过程、设备、材料和供应品相关的数据。它还可能包含来自实验室信息管理系统 (LIMS)、企业资源规划 (ERP)、过程控制系统 (PCS) 等的数据。




  • 人员(组织文化)
  • 业务流程
  • 技术

缩写 EBR也可指端到端信息系统,该系统可将批次记录作为主批次记录的副本或复制品进行电子记录。(MBR--主批次记录)。

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工业4.0词汇表/industry-4-0/词汇表/industry-4-0/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:30:25 +0000 Industry 4.0 – the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the concept that the development of industry has entered a new phase, due to the increasing penetration of information technology, automation and biotechnological improvements.

Industry 1.0 – human labor is replaced by steam machines.

Industry 2.0 – humanity begins mass production using electricity.

Industry 3.0 – the first automation based on computer systems occurs.

Continuous automation of old manufacturing and industrial methods progresses along with the use of current smart technologies, large-scale machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, and the Internet of Things. The overall process is translating into major changes in the way the global manufacturing and supply chain network operates. Increased automation, better communication and self-monitoring, and the use of intelligent equipment that can assess and diagnose problems without the need for human interaction are all benefits of this integration.

In the manufacturing industry, Industry 4.0 solutions are based on maximum automation of all activities performed during the production process. Industry 4.0 technologies are advanced production management systems such as MES, WMS, EMS or ERP. Industry 4.0 requires less human labor, while the supervision of operations can be carried out regardless of the physical distance from the production hall.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 also means the possibility of full remote control of the production process from anywhere in the world. The Industrial Internet of Things makes it possible to introduce changes, generate reports and, on their basis, conduct analysis of the manufacturing process, as well as changes in the production itself on the fly.

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OEE - 设备整体效能词汇表/oee-设备总体效能/词汇表/oee-设备总体效能/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:05:50 +0000 整体设备效率 (OEE) 是制造工厂常用的指标。它可以确定特定生产线的效率如何,从而确定生产效率与其生产能力的关系。该指数是衡量生产线性能的三个因素的结果:

可用性 = 机器实际运行时间/计划时间

生产率 (实际生产时间/生产能力)

质量 (正确生产的件数/总产量)


OEE 也可以用实际产量除以计划时间乘以一个生产周期的分母来表示,如下式所示:

最终,OEE 受许多因素的影响,这些因素取决于工厂的整体运营情况。影响因素包括

  1. 计划外停机
  2. 故障和维修时间 MTTR、MTBR、MTTF
  3. 生产启动缓慢
  4. 较晚认识到进程不稳定

如需了解有关 OEE 的更多信息,请参阅文章 "OEE 偏低的 12 个原因"。

使用我们的 OEE 计算器立即计算出您的 OEE。

OEE 计算器

OEE 计算器

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MES System – Manufacturing Execution System词汇表/制造执行系统/ Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:00:38 +0000 MES系统 - 制造执行系统  

A 制造执行系统(MES) 是一款独立运行的软件,可以收集生产线的运行数据,并以清晰易懂的方式将其可视化,以便根据真实数据更快地做出决策。它支持工厂操作员完成日常任务,并在无法自动收集数据的情况下进行数据输入。

MES 软件能够以表格、图形和图表的形式收集并清晰地展示信息,从而为在制造工厂实施精益管理、精益规划和持续改进方法提供支持。   

在制造企业中,影响 MES 系统所提供信息质量的主要因素是数据来源。向系统提供数据的方式主要有两种:  

  • 设备连接 - 实现数据收集自动化,最大程度减少人工报告  
  • 手动输入数据 由操作员  

补充 MES 系统数据的另一种可能性是与 ERP 系统集成。大多数情况下,这种集成可实现双向数据流,从而使企业资源规划系统和制造执行系统都能获得有关正在进行的生产的统一数据。   


MES 系统的优势

  1. 实时数据收集:可立即访问生产数据,以便更快地做出决策。
  2. 提高效率:通过自动数据收集,简化操作并减少停机时间。
  3. 强化质量控制:密切监控生产流程,确保产品质量高。
  4. 更好的资源管理:优化材料、劳动力和设备的使用。
  5. 可追溯性:跟踪整个生产过程,提高可追溯性和合规性。
  6. 降低成本:最大限度地减少浪费和返工,从而节约成本。
  7. 与企业资源规划系统整合:确保 MES 和 ERP 系统之间的数据流无缝衔接,实现统一的信息管理。

作为控制塔的 MES



了解更多 关于

MES 系统可为哪些行业带来效益?

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning词汇表/erp-enterprise-resource-planning/词汇表/erp-enterprise-resource-planning/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 10:58:31 +0000 Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP for short, is a process and information system for managing resources in an enterprise. It connects various departments within a single enterprise by facilitating the flow and providing a single environment to work on enterprise data.  

ERP system can be used by planning, purchasing, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, warehouse and other departments where integration of data within the enterprise can bring tangible benefits.  

Today ERP systems are very diverse and often specialized for a specific industry, so that they can best reflect the specifics of a particular sector of the economy. Over time, systems have evolved from desktop systems to cloud solutions, enriching the usability and flexibility of solutions.  

Technological changes taking place in the manufacturing industry and the complexity of current manufacturing processes, make it necessary to extend ERP systems with additional functions. Additional tools include independent MES, WMS, LIMS, or EMS systems, which allow two-way data exchange with the ERP system, providing more accurate information about the production process and plant status.     

Despite the many benefits of implementing an ERP system in the company, poorly planned implementation resulting from the lack of cultural and structural changes in the organization, may prove counterproductive for the entire enterprise.    

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高级计划排程系统词汇表/advanced-planning-and-scheduling/词汇表/advanced-planning-and-scheduling/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 09:33:04 +0000 Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) is an IT solution for optimizing the production plan in a manufacturing company, which takes into account all available resources in order to use them as efficiently as possible. Often used within or independent of an ERP system, by a person in a position of a planner in a manufacturing company.

实施 APS software is often a company’s response to the lack of synchronization between departments and processes within the company, in order to bring about full optimization of work. In particular, APS allows to:

  • Predicting customer orders
  • Anticipation of supply capabilities
  • Plan production scenarios
  • Eliminate unnecessary excess inventory

An independent and complementary tool to APS is the RTS (Real-time scheduling) solution. RTS is a tool that has all the necessary functions known from APS, but it is devoid of typical ERP functions. It is designed for companies that still want to benefit from intelligent, data-driven scheduling, but do not have full knowledge of real-time production. RTS allows for simplified production planning, taking into account all current available data from the machines.

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