Glossary – ANT Solutions Software for Modern Factories Mon, 11 Dec 2023 12:17:48 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 Glossary – ANT Solutions 32 32 持续改进的过程词汇表/continual-improvement-process/词汇表/continual-improvement-process/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2023 14:28:54 +0000 Continuous improvement is a process of regularly evaluating products, services, processes, or systems and making targeted improvements to increase quality, reduce waste, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. It involves a combination of research, analysis, experimentation, and implementation of changes to existing practices and processes. The goal is to continually strive for perfection and ensure customer satisfaction, minimize errors and waste, and maximize profits. It is an ongoing effort to improve the quality of the product or service and make it the best it can be.

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预测性维护词汇表/predictive-maintenance/词汇表/predictive-maintenance/#respond Wed, 06 Jul 2022 08:03:13 +0000 预测性维护 – Predictive maintenance is the process of predicting when a system will fail before it actually happens. The idea behind predictive maintenance is to have a system that can predict failures and take measures to prevent them. Predictive maintenance is not only about avoiding failures, but also about improving efficiency, productivity and performance. It can be done through various methods like condition monitoring, anomaly detection, and data analytics. In order to gather insight about the machine, the maintenance team uses 工业4.0 equipment such as an ultrasonic microphone, vibration sensors, power, particle or infrared sensors, temperature measurement and microphone installation, to mitigate the risk of failure and detect symptoms of the machine malfunctioning of in advance.

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智能工厂词汇表/smart-factory/词汇表/smart-factory/#respond Mon, 27 Jun 2022 08:12:23 +0000 Smart factory is a unique factory automation system. It’s a growing industry, with a lot of opportunities. The current worldwide market size is approximately $ 17.8 billion, expected to grow 14% annually until 2021. It tends to be more common in countries with high labor costs and an increasing demand for automation, such as China and Japan. Smart factory is a technology that controls the whole process of making or assembling an item, as opposed to previous technologies that semi-automated or autonomous systems.

This difference mean that there are more chances to automate the entire process eventually, which in turn would have a huge impact on the manufacturing industry as a whole.

The idea behind smart factory is to make goods with the maximum amount of automation possible, and not just automation at certain production stages. In fact, manufacturers are working towards full automation. Unlike the traditional factories that require human interaction, smart factories don’t need any human interaction during production because the whole process is automated.s that it will become the nature of businesses to create and control automation systems, without being limited by budgets or resources.

The industry moves toward integrating advanced technologies into the manufacturing processes using big data, artificial intelligence and robotics. The goal is to produce quality parts with less manpower and at any location in the world.

In this setting there is a better workplace for employees; depending on the application level of automation, it is possible to reduce worker participation in repetitive tasks by 80% and increase all parameters including OEE.

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MBR – Master Batch Record词汇表/mbr-master-batch-record/词汇表/mbr-master-batch-record/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:35:54 +0000 主批次记录(MBR) 是指定义制造方法、材料和其他与产品制造和测试有关的程序、准则和控制的文件,也称为制造模板。MBR 是 GMP(良好生产规范)不可分割的一部分。


主批次记录 MBR(又称主生产记录 MPR 或主制造配方 MMF)是详细的生产指令。 每个独特的配方和批量大小都必须有自己的 MBR.


  • 产品名称标识。
  • 一份材料清单,详细说明制作批次所需的每种配料的重量、度量或数量。
  • 设备清单。
  • 组件列表。
  • 生产过程每个阶段的理论产量说明。
  • 成品的预期产量。
  • 生产过程中每个条件的详细说明。
  • 取样和测试程序。
  • 手动操作说明。
  • Discrepancy data

每个独特的配方和批量都需要这些记录在案的说明,以确保每次生产过程的标准化和可重复性。由于 MBR 是用于复制的原始模板,因此在生产过程中无需填写。它与生产编号或零件编号相关联,但与任何特定批号无关。

Computerised Master Batch Record

A computerised Master Batch Record is a modernised approach to manufacturing record-keeping, integrating advanced software solutions into the production process. This digital transformation revolutionises how manufacturing operations are managed, providing a comprehensive system for creating, managing, and optimising production workflows.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Real-time Data Integration: Digital MBR seamlessly integrates with various manufacturing systems, enabling real-time data exchange. This connectivity ensures that up-to-date information is readily available to manufacturing personnel, enhancing decision-making and issue resolution.
  2. Error Reduction: Automation within Digital MBR significantly reduces the risk of human error by automating data entry and incorporating validation checks. This results in greater consistency and higher product quality.
  3. Efficient Recipe Management: Digital MBR simplifies the management of multiple recipes for different products and batch sizes. Manufacturers can create, update, and maintain recipes effortlessly, ensuring accurate production every time.
  4. Version Control: Robust version control capabilities in DMBR systems guarantee that manufacturing instructions comply with the latest regulations. Manufacturers can adapt swiftly to changing requirements without compromising compliance.
  5. Electronic Signatures and Audit Trails: Computerised MBR facilitates electronic signatures and maintains comprehensive audit trails. This feature is vital for tracking and authenticating critical actions, aiding regulatory compliance, and supporting investigations.
Modern computerised MBRs include workflow customiser that tracks documentation flow and procedures.
monitor with screen
Digital Master Batch Record is created with drag&drop form builder.
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EBR - 电子批次记录词汇表/ebr-electronic-batch-record/词汇表/ebr-electronic-batch-record/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:33:12 +0000 An Electronic Batch Record (EBR) is a digital production record, an electronic record of a production, an electronic copy or reproduction from a Master Batch Record (MBR). The electronic batch record provides evidence that the production was conducted in accordance with the applicable instructions.

The EBR record also demonstrates that the organization properly handles and records all critical steps in the production of each batch of product, whether entered electronically or manually. This record contains data related to operators, manufacturing process, equipment, materials, and supplies. It may also contain data from laboratory information management systems (LIMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), process control systems (PCS) and others.

Unlike analog, paper-based, defined batch records, electronic batch records enable an organization to see the benefits of improved data integrity and accuracy, streamlined processes and efficient operations.

Optimizing these processes provides better resource management, improved inventory management and reduced material waste – all of which positively impact the bottom line of the operation.

It is critical to assess the following areas:

  • People (organizational culture)
  • Business processes
  • Technology

The acronym EBR, can also refer to an end-to-end information system that allows for the electronic recording of batch records as a copy or reproduction from a master batch record. (MBR – Master Batch Record).

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工业4.0词汇表/industry-4-0/词汇表/industry-4-0/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:30:25 +0000 Industry 4.0 – the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the concept that the development of industry has entered a new phase, due to the increasing penetration of information technology, automation and biotechnological improvements.

Industry 1.0 – human labor is replaced by steam machines.

Industry 2.0 – humanity begins mass production using electricity.

Industry 3.0 – the first automation based on computer systems occurs.

Continuous automation of old manufacturing and industrial methods progresses along with the use of current smart technologies, large-scale machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, and the Internet of Things. The overall process is translating into major changes in the way the global manufacturing and supply chain network operates. Increased automation, better communication and self-monitoring, and the use of intelligent equipment that can assess and diagnose problems without the need for human interaction are all benefits of this integration.

In the manufacturing industry, Industry 4.0 solutions are based on maximum automation of all activities performed during the production process. Industry 4.0 technologies are advanced production management systems such as MES, WMS, EMS or ERP. Industry 4.0 requires less human labor, while the supervision of operations can be carried out regardless of the physical distance from the production hall.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 also means the possibility of full remote control of the production process from anywhere in the world. The Industrial Internet of Things makes it possible to introduce changes, generate reports and, on their basis, conduct analysis of the manufacturing process, as well as changes in the production itself on the fly.

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OEE – Overall Equipment Effectiveness词汇表/oee-overall-equipment-effectiveness/词汇表/oee-overall-equipment-effectiveness/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:05:50 +0000 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a commonly used indicator in manufacturing plants. It allows to determine how efficient is a given production line, and thus how efficient the production is in relation to its production capabilities. The index is the result of three factors to measure the performance of a production line:

Availability = actual machine running time / scheduled time

Productivity (actual production time / production capacity)

质量 (number of pieces properly produced / total production)


OEE 也可以用实际产量除以计划时间乘以一个生产周期的分母来表示,如下式所示:

Ultimately, OEE is influenced by many factors that depend on the overall operation of the factory. Among the events that have an impact are

  1. Unplanned downtime
  2. Failures and repair times MTTR, MTBR, MTTF
  3. Slow start-up of production
  4. Late recognition that a process is unstable

Read more about OEE in the article “12 reasons why OEE is low”.

Calculate your OEE in no time with our OEE calculator.

OEE Calculator

OEE Calculator

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ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning词汇表/erp-enterprise-resource-planning/词汇表/erp-enterprise-resource-planning/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 10:58:31 +0000 Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP for short, is a process and information system for managing resources in an enterprise. It connects various departments within a single enterprise by facilitating the flow and providing a single environment to work on enterprise data.  

ERP system can be used by planning, purchasing, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, warehouse and other departments where integration of data within the enterprise can bring tangible benefits.  

Today ERP systems are very diverse and often specialized for a specific industry, so that they can best reflect the specifics of a particular sector of the economy. Over time, systems have evolved from desktop systems to cloud solutions, enriching the usability and flexibility of solutions.  

Technological changes taking place in the manufacturing industry and the complexity of current manufacturing processes, make it necessary to extend ERP systems with additional functions. Additional tools include independent MES, WMS, LIMS, or EMS systems, which allow two-way data exchange with the ERP system, providing more accurate information about the production process and plant status.     

Despite the many benefits of implementing an ERP system in the company, poorly planned implementation resulting from the lack of cultural and structural changes in the organization, may prove counterproductive for the entire enterprise.    

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高级计划排程系统词汇表/advanced-planning-and-scheduling/词汇表/advanced-planning-and-scheduling/#respond Thu, 23 Jun 2022 09:33:04 +0000 Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) is an IT solution for optimizing the production plan in a manufacturing company, which takes into account all available resources in order to use them as efficiently as possible. Often used within or independent of an ERP system, by a person in a position of a planner in a manufacturing company.

Implementing APS software is often a company’s response to the lack of synchronization between departments and processes within the company, in order to bring about full optimization of work. In particular, APS allows to:

  • Predicting customer orders
  • Anticipation of supply capabilities
  • Plan production scenarios
  • Eliminate unnecessary excess inventory

An independent and complementary tool to APS is the RTS (Real-time scheduling) solution. RTS is a tool that has all the necessary functions known from APS, but it is devoid of typical ERP functions. It is designed for companies that still want to benefit from intelligent, data-driven scheduling, but do not have full knowledge of real-time production. RTS allows for simplified production planning, taking into account all current available data from the machines.

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