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Why are MES and IT investments often over budget? These advanced solutions should be considered in the context of long-term (at least 10 years) collaboration. Long-term projects can be implemented in several ways, and the final decision depends on the manner of procedure. An appropriate vendor will help you implement an MES that is in line with your business goals.


一个MES系统的等级是由以下3个方面决定的:数据采集、集成和模块(功能)。最后的 MES 价格取决于其复杂性。

  • Data acquisition – which signals will be gathered from the machines and how? How will they be used for traceability, reporting and quality control of processes?
  • 整合 - 是否有可能与ERP、APS、WMS、CMMS和其他系统进行双向数据交换,以及它的先进性如何?
  • 模块 - 哪些功能将有助于性能监测和生产报告?下面是ANT解决方案的一些模块,支持生产过程:
    • 机器连接 - 通过与PLC的连接、自动化信号的复制或安装适当的传感器,提供机器的连续连接,并从它们那里获取数据。
    • 生产执行 - 该功能允许实时监控生产订单的执行进度以及机器的状态。
    • 缺陷处理 - 收集数据,如缺陷的数量和类型。
    • OEE分析 – the module is used to calculate and analyses the OEE coefficient and its components. It is based on historical and current data, drawing a trend line.
    • 数字文件 - 所有的指示和信息都显示在触摸面板上给操作者,文件被收集和储存,而不需要收集成堆的纸质文件。
    • 仪表板和报告 - 负责根据真实数据实时生成清晰的报告。
    • 维护安灯 - 发出即时的故障通知,并支持其处理。
    • 可追溯性 - 收集有关材料、工艺参数、机器设置和操作人员的数据。
    • 复工管理 - 允许你管理返工。它支持操作人员决定在哪台机器上对某一特定零件进行返工。
    • 质量检查 - 自动发出检查产品质量的请求,并通知操作人员某项测量是否在质量限制之内。它生成一个参数直方图和SPC报告。
    • 微停机监测 - 自动报告生产线部件的任何停机,并提供相关原因。它 "指责 "生产线上对某次停机负有责任的机器。




The rates of IT specialists are among the highest in the market. There is a reason why many are convinced that it is better to hire one experienced programmer than ten mediocre ones. The experience and skills of such a person can add a lot to a project, making the final product an investment that will give a quick return.

If your software expenditure is out of budget, you may want to divide your system implementation into phases. Maybe the same modules are not necessary at the very beginning of the implementation. The implementation of special functions (customization) can be time-consuming and costly because of the specialists who implement the solutions. Selecting the most relevant modules in the first phase and postponing customization will reduce the initial implementation costs.

This approach is also important because it allows you to quickly test the software and check whether it is definitely working as expected. Contrary to appearances, a simple system may better meet the needs of customers – a quick introduction of the basic features allows the project to evolve and see the effects of operation of the system on the shop floor in practice. The multitude of functionalities requires additional integrations, which prolongs the software implementation process.



The MES price does not only take the capabilities of the software, but also the entire path from the idea to the completion of the project into account. Pay attention to the following aspects when choosing a vendor:

  • 许可证、
  • 软件实施、
  • 启动和文件、
  • 机器集成、
  • 硬件交付和安装、
  • 维护支持。

The budget should also cover all the aforementioned ancillary issues. So be careful not to overpay! For example, it may turn out that the provider offers dedicated software created specifically for your needs, but which will require a much larger financial investment if you need to expand the system. By contrast, a cloud-based solution is less expensive to implement (CAPEX) and the cost can be passed on to operational expenses (OPEX). An MES based on SaaS cloud service is additionally more flexible and easier to scale to other machines and facilities.

Another problem may be an inexperienced supplier offering a dedicated solution that will take longer to implement than a standard project because the supplier will be learning how the system should work during the implementation. Time and ease of mastering the system also make a big difference.

It is also worth paying attention to the way of sourcing data. If the production line is equipped with different equipment, it may be that only some machines are equipped with PLCs from which the relevant signals can be collected, while older models need to be fitted with sensors. It is possible to collect data in both cases, but sometimes it is more cost-effective to standardize the method, for example by installing identical sensors on all the machines. If different connections are chosen, it may turn out that the remaining expenditure allocated to the system is already out of budget.



MES implementation in a production plant is just the beginning of the cooperation. Therefore, it is worth choosing a comprehensive offer from a single vendor, who will take full responsibility for the project – building the infrastructure, supplying the equipment, hosting services, ensuring connectivity to the machines, providing standard software and additional functionalities, training, full 24/7 support, and possible future expansion of the system. Such an investment guarantees that the money spent will not only pay off in the short term but will also form the basis for further development of the plant.



Budgeting for a manufacturing execution system should take into account factors such as: business objectives, module sophistication, integrations, personalization and dividing the implementation into phases with the possibility of further expansion. MES is an investment for years, so it is worth choosing an experienced and flexible supplier who will guide the plant through the implementation process and support the customer in further stages of operation.

We provide a suite of “best-of-breed” solutions, and our industrial software is used by top companies in the manufacturing industry. Contact ANT and you will receive an MES implementation offer in less than a week!




性能监测(OEE) 连接并收集来自你的设备的数据。安排一个演示,他们信任我们:主要好处 OEE增加 ✔️ 停机时间缩短 ✔️ 生产速度加快

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Łukasz Iskra



[email protected]


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